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Top mobile phones


As long as I have been using my smartphone I have noticed that some of my favourite things that I still use my smartphone for are sending fast messages, watching videos, and chatting. I would like to know where the next step in the evolution of my gadget life would take me. Also, I would like to know what’s the best mobile phone for people, from both young people and older people in today’s modern world. According to Pew Research Centre a small percentage of 18 to 29-year-olds own a smartphone but a large percentage of them use it. If it’s not one of these and there’s a group that uses a smartphone what might I be interested in buying?

I know that I belong to this group of young adults but I would love to know if younger people would even consider buying a smartphone? Here are some questions that I want you to ponder over:

Would you consider buying a smartphone?

To purchase a smartphone on an installment plan I can get loans from my bank or the finance department of my company. But how many of us are comfortable with long-term credit deals. In such deals you will need to pay the monthly installments for the first 6 months but then your balance will balance out by at least 3% of your monthly income after that. Since you don’t have a balance to pay at the beginning of the statement so you can spread the payments easier.

Would it be good if a company or a friend of mine bought it for me?

Money is an extremely important factor for a buyer of a mobile phone. If I had to buy my smartphone on installment plan then my monthly budget would also be restricted, which would reduce the amount of money that I could spend. Also, since I’m someone that wants an Android-powered mobile phone so I would have to pay an upfront price and for those who don’t want the latest phone would have to pay more for the phone. By either of these options would I choose?

Would it be good if I bought it on a loan from my bank?

If you are a consumer-oriented banker, and you care about your consumers, you would give your customers a variety of financing options. But would you consider buying a phone on an installment plan instead of receiving a loan from your bank?

Would it be good if I bought my smartphone from my friend?

Don’t you all think that your smartphone would be protected by a warranty but whether you have it from your friend is not an obvious question? Since many smartphone manufacturers don’t guarantee their products. So, how would a friend of mine make a warranty? In the case of a Sony or Samsung you can buy insurance from the manufacturer which will cover any unexpected-issues with your phone. Also, you can just pay for it whenever something goes wrong. But if your smartphone is a Sony, then you’ll have to buy the warranty yourself.

How would it be good if I bought it from a company?

If you care about the organisations and organizations of our community as well as the environment, then I don’t think that anything could be better than being bought by an organization or organisation. Let us find out now that there are many organization and corporate groups that are interested in corporate marketing such as Microsoft, Instagram, Google, Samsung, Netflix, OpenText, and a lot more. So what brand will you go with?

One of the reasons that millennials purchase a smartphone is that it is an "essential" gadget for many people today. Therefore, if I wanted to purchase a smartphone from a company that is "mainstream", I wouldn’t expect too much detail on pricing. But I would expect a line of smartphones from the most widely known brands like Apple, Samsung, Huawei, LG, and most significantly of course Apple.

That’s not all, if I wanted a smartphone that were stylish enough, I would like to purchase it from a designer-brand. I feel that being stylish is actually a good reason to own a smartphone and not a cheap fast-flier!

How would it be good if I bought it from my friend?

If I bought my smartphone from my friend, I wouldn’t have to ask many questions. My friend is also one of my favorite people to be friends with, so wouldn’t she be very much interested in what kind of phone I was getting? This way, she’d be more invested in what I bought. Also, she’d have much less trouble finding a good phone for her, wouldn’t she? So my decision would not be affected by whom I buy my smartphone from.
